Friday, May 27, 2016

Man from Chimayo Sentenced to Five Years for Running Over and Killing Girlfriend

That is it! They must not care about girlfriends that much in New Mexico! Well, that is Democratically controlled state – mainly.

This truck is stuck in the mud but in the case above and below a woman was left in the mud. That is a volatile relationship. 
In a shocking case, a man identified as 54 year old Leonard Coriz has been sentenced to five years imprisonment after running over his girlfriend with his pickup truck and leaving her dead body in the mud ridden drive away through the night in the rain, as reported by

The deceased has been identified as 49 year old Peggy Sue Padilla. While it seems like a malicious murder, Coriz’s lawyer remains firm that the death was nothing but a tragic accident and there was no intent or deliberation in the case. But there was intent to leave her in the mud all night?

Murder or accident?

The judge, however, did not buy this story and gave Coriz the maximum allowable sentence of five years, which was inevitable if convicted which New Mexico truck accident lawyers know all about. The judge also remarked that the accident wasn’t an accident, and that their relationship was a toxic one bound to end in a disaster like it has. It is not clear whether any compensation claim for the accident or wrongful death lawsuit has been filed by the victim’s estate.

The judge further added that an accident is something that you cannot predict or foresee. However, everyone knew something was going to happen in this case.

Coriz has been convicted of homicide by vehicle, and leaving the scene of an accident where death occurred. Originally, Coriz received a 7.5 year sentence but his lawyer was able to strike a deal with the prosecution (a plea bargain) and have the sentenced reduced to five years. Coriz has already been in jail for 256 days awaiting trial and this will be considered as time served and subtracted from his five year sentence with truck accident attorneys in New Mexico soaking this case up. Coriz had a previous run in with the law on a DWI arrest but he was not convicted in that case.  

New Mexico does not care about victims. This is mainly a liberal state which accounts for their backward economy and horrendous school system. Breaking Bad did not take place there out of coincidence. 

Leonard Coriz should have been given the death penalty according to many people.

If you want to do something drunk you can use this website: Truck-Accident.USAttorneys. The worst that can happen is perhaps you end up passing out near your computer or smart phone. Do not use this website when you are driving though. This website is easy to use but not that easy to use. Distracted driving will come into play then. That is against the law too!

Deceased Truck Accident Victim Identified by Local Law Enforcement

A man who was struck and killed by a pickup truck has been identified by law enforcement officers as 60 year old Leeland Gregg. The accident occurred on 1100 block of San Marcial in Central El Paso, as reported by

On the night of his death, Gregg was accompanied by 51 year old Kathy Parry and the two just left the bar when Gregg walked to the driver’s side, opened the door for Parry, and was then walking around the back of truck to get into the passenger’s side himself when Parry inadvertently put the truck in reverse and ran over Gregg. How anyone could do this is just incredible? How does this happen? How drunk do you have to be?
New Mexico truck accident lawyers know that if you are sent to prison, you will not be allowed to have any alcohol at all. 
She then hopped out of the pick-up truck and ran to the back to check on Gregg, but had forgotten to engage the parking brake and it ended up hitting and injuring her too. Again, how does this happen? Well, when you allow a drunk person to drive you around, apparently this is the chances you take.

She was hospitalized and treated for her injuries and then arrested upon release on charges of intoxicated manslaughter. Evidence will play a major role in determining liability according to New Mexico truck accident lawyers. Leeland Gregg made a lethal mistake.

If you are injured in an accident caused by a commercial vehicle, make sure to reach out to a New Mexico truck accident lawyer. Your legal representative will work towards helping you claim compensation for your pain and suffering. Click on the link above to find the legal acumen you need in your life. This is not an episode you want to watch alone. And it is real, not make believe. 

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