Friday, May 20, 2016

Kentucky Clerk’s Suit Dismissed by Federal Appeals Court

A lawsuit filed against the state by Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples last year, has been dismissed, as reported by The federal appeals court cited that she did not experience any irreparable harm and therefore turned down her appeal.

According to Jefferson County divorce lawyers following the case, 50 year old Davis was jailed last year in September for contempt of court after she refused to honor the Supreme Court verdict that gave consent to gay marriages in the state.

She claimed that this violated her religious beliefs which it does and many people believe it also violates common sense, morality, and family life going back to the stone age. She filed a suit against several Kentucky state officials that included the then Democrat governor, Steve Beshear. Republican Matt Bevin, who succeeded Beshear as governor, signed an executive order which mandated that the names of county clerks not be included in marriage license forms.

A suit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, the same organization that is allowing grown men turned woman to be able to walk into a female bathroom and who defends pedophiles, against Davis is still pending.

We have walls around our home for privacy and to keep the elements out. But those walls mean nothing when a marriage goes south since everyone will be able to detect and assume that your home is not a happy one if screaming is heard, cars take off suddenly, doors are being slammed, and so on. And if one of the spouses start blabbing all over the place about what is happening and about things that should be kept private, that is when stress levels reach a tipping point.

You do not want this to happen to you. If your marriage is weakening you need sound legal help so this situation does not boil over. Click right here You need to get out legally and psychologically before this situation becomes an even darker stain on your life. You need to get on with your life and if you have kids, they should not be in an unpleasant home. 

 Courier-Journal Files Motion to Open Senate Majority Leader’s 2011 Divorce Case

The Courier-Journal recently filed a motion to open the 2011 divorce case of state Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer. The motion has been filed in Bourbon Circuit Court and comes close after the senator’s ex-fiancé Tonya Braham filed a complaint against him in Scott County Court for alleged mistreatment following the termination of their engagement in November last year.

Braham claimed that the senator threatened to use his power to have her name struck off the list of approved family counselors. She claims Thayer did so after her refusal to move out of the house they supposedly shared.

According to Kentucky divorce attorneys, court records are open to public inspection but there was no trace of Thayer’s divorce case in public court records. The senator’s private life came under scrutiny when he filed a lawsuit to have Branham’s name removed from the deed of their Georgetown home and also requested a restraining order to prevent her from entering the property. However, a judge turned down his request.

Branham then filed a complaint in which she alleged that Thayer mistreated her on two occasions in December. On one occasion she had to call the police when he became angry. However, no charges were pursued. In another incident, she alleges he threw a Christmas tree at her twice (this could be assault if this is what really happened) while she and her daughter were decorating the home. That is not the Christmas spirit! Did he cuss out St. Paul and Jesus Christ as well!?

The complaint also alleges that Thayer denied her access to credit from their Kroger account and also depleted their joint bank account. She claims that she was left with no money at the time and depended on her Bible study group to provide Christmas presents for her daughter. The Majority Senate Leader refused to comment on the allegations and sealed divorce file. Those are some serious allegations and you do not need a Jefferson County divorce lawyer to tell you that divorces like this are not desirable.

Your Time to Hire a Legal Counselor is Now

Meanwhile, if you seem to have reached a roadblock in your divorce proceedings or can’t reach an agreement with your partner on issues of alimony, child custody, property division, or any other issue, make sure to reach out to a marvelous Kentucky divorce lawyer. This is the best way to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive a fair settlement. 

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