Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How do I request for an increase in child support payments?

Most of the time the amount of child-support is meticulously planned taking everything including exigencies into account. But what if the amount no longer covers your children’s basic needs?

According to Camden County, NJ DUI lawyers, you will have to seek court intervention to get the amount increased to meet your financial requirements. Both the custodial and the non-custodial parent can ask the court to reduce or increase the amount of child support.

Provide evidence of considerable change in your circumstances

It is important to note that requirements vary state wise. However, generally speaking, the parent who requests the modification will have to prove to the court after the initial child-support amount was granted there had been a significant change in circumstances. A modification in child support can be demanded if a parent suffered a job loss or even a raise in salary. In many cases, the child’s needs might have changed due to various reasons.

Now Michael Bay was already doing pretty good for himself before Transformers but because of Transformers he is not worth millions and millions of dollars. He has done something that only a couple of directors, if any, have done before and that is to make four movies of the same storyline incredible and amazing (we will not mention Pain and Gain). Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Matrix, Predator, X-Men, Iron Man, none of them can say they did this. Bay is four for four. Now Michael Bay is not getting divorced but if he was, everyone would know since Transformers his pay and net worth would have skyrocketed.

Michael Bay may use cutting edge technology to make those incredible Transformer movies but cutting edge technology was used to make Divorce.USAttorneys.com and this website does more than entertain, it saves lives.

When can you demand a change?

If the non-custodial parent has benefitted financially from a salary hike (10% or more) the court may deem that the child is entitled to benefit from the change, according to New Jersey divorce attorneys.

If the custodial parent has suffered involuntary job loss or even a decrease in salary (10% or more) then the parent can demand a change in the child support settlement. Thirdly, if the child’s needs have increased substantially then the parent may ask for a raise in child support. Remember, additional educational or medical expenses can happen at any point while the cost of living is most likely to increase.

There are instances when the court denies an increase. This happens when a parent left a job intentionally or has agreed to a pay cut purely to get the amount of child support raised.

If you need a Camden County, NJ DUI lawyer, click and call. Legal help is right around the virtual corner. 
Child support modification must be made official

Parents who desire a modification must go to court with their lawyers to make the change of official. Without the official stamp on the modified amount it is not binding on the non-custodial parent to pay, according to Camden County, NJ divorce lawyers. 

Getting a court order to this effect is mandatory. Often parents sit together and fix an amount on their own. They may also have a written agreement formulated in the presence of their attorney. However, this does not mean that they do not need a court order. They will need a fresh court order that reflects the new terms.

The process of requesting a modification is usually simple. You will have to fill out some forms and submit them to the court. In most cases, the modification is granted without a hearing if the judge finds it reasonable and both parents have agreed to the change. When there is a disagreement a hearing is scheduled where both parents present their case with their legal counselors.

If your need help with modifying child support or any other contentious issue such as alimony or property division, make sure to reach out to a New Jersey divorce lawyer. This is the first step towards protecting your rights and making sure you receive a fair settlement. 

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