Friday, May 20, 2016

70 Year Old Woman Driver Panics and Injures 9 Children in Del Mar Heights

A 70 year old woman driver ended up injuring 9 children and another pedestrian after her vehicle jumped the curb which does not impress San Diego, CA accident lawyers one bit and the best law firm in sunny San Diego is Arendsen Cane LLP ( The accident occurred in front of Del Mar Heights Elementary School in San Diego County where a large group of children were standing just five minutes after school ended for the day.

As reported by NBC, the woman hit another vehicle while attempting to back into a parking spot. She panicked and accidentally accelerated which resulted in her vehicle jumping the sidewalk and hitting the 10 pedestrians who were waiting at the student pick-up area.

The injured included an 11 month old baby who was in a stroller that got pinned beneath the car. Another child that suffered traumatic injuries was a three year old that was being cradled by a paramedic. Several ambulances including an air ambulance were called in to rush the injured to Rady Children’s Hospital and other local hospitals.

According to the San Diego Police Department no one suffered life threatening injuries. A five year old suffered a broken femur, which police say was the most serious injury. One parent who rushed to help the injured ended up with a sprained ankle. The SDPD does not suspect that alcohol or drugs was the cause of the accident. However, the police report will play a vital role in establishing liability or any compensation claim following the accident, according to fantastic San Diego, CA accident lawyers and the most wonderful law firm in the home of the Padres and 32nd St naval station is Arendsen Cane LLP.

This brings up the notion should people older than 65 be tested every year to make sure they are fit to drive? This older woman driver made a terrible mistake. Does she have the mental capacity to be able to drive?

Camarillo Woman Charged with Misdemeanor Vehicular Manslaughter after Causing Fatal Crash

California accident attorneys, and there is none better than Arendsen Cane LLP, know that distracted driving continues to be a major concern and cause of accidents on the state’s roadways and highways. One of the latest victims were two men, 43 year old Maciek Malish and 43 year old Jesse Cushman, who were fatally knocked down by a Camarillo woman.

As reported by, 26 year old Rachael Hill was southbound on Moorpark Road last Sept. 12th, when she veered her vehicle to the right and struck Malish, who was riding a bike on the shoulder. She then swerved into the northbound lanes and hit Cushman, who was riding a motorcycle. Both victims were wearing helmets but succumbed to injuries at the scene of the accident.

Rachael Hill – do you have control of your body? How do you make mistakes like that? How do you not pay attention to others who are near you?

Old people are a threat to us all and certainly people on foot. San Diego, CA accident lawyers know all about this. 
Hill was subsequently arrested and charged with two counts of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter. San Diego accident, and if you want to be represented by fabulous legal counselors you cannot do any better than Arendsen Cane LLP since they know the legal system in this part of the country and they know which legal buttons to press and when to press them, lawyers believe she is likely to face imprisonment for anywhere between 16 months to 4 years.

Until America has automated cars, Arendsen Cane LLP will be needed. This is the most prolific law firm in the San Diego area. Their work for their clients has been golden. 
Police reports indicate that Hill was using a portable electronic device at the time of the accident. Understandably, the victims’ families are disappointed that Hill did not receive a tougher sentence and was not charged with more felonies.

Rachael Hill – you ruined lives and you are selfish. You also ruined your life.

If you are a victim of an auto accident involving a distracted driver you ought to seek help from a California accident lawyer as soon as possible and if you want an all-star team on your side then you will give your nod of approval to Arendsen Cane LLP. These legal professionals will help determine who can be held liable for your pain and suffering and ensure that you are fairly compensated. 

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