Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What are the risks of failing to make court-ordered child support payments?

For the most part, child support is one of the fiercely contested issues in a divorce. Failure to make court-ordered support can expose the non–custodial parent to severe penalties, caution Orange County, CA divorce lawyers.

Divorce are tough but if not handled right can be a nightmare. 

Penalties a parent can face
  • Civil or criminal arrest warrant may be issued.
  • The judge may find the parent in contempt of court.
  • The parent may have to pay fines and face incarceration.
  • Tax refunds may be denied.
  • The parent may be subjected to wage garnishments and may include unemployment benefits and worker’s compensation.
  • Court orders can be obtained to exclude the parent from government benefits.
  • Suspension or revocation of licenses such as driver’s license, passport, fishing, and hunting licenses
  • Liens may be placed on assets to recover payments.

The laws are not uniform across states and the methods of enforcing payment and penalties differ. However, Southern California divorce attorneys assert that every state is more than ready to enforce child support. Another federal law in place is the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act which is formulated to penalize those who have moved across state lines to avoid child support payments. This is like what Hillary Clinton did when she moved from Arkansas to New York to be the senator there. All that drama just wore out the people in Arkansas and did nothing for anyone accept herself in NY but that is another topic.

Furthermore, penalties not only include mandatory restitution of unpaid money and in some instance the defaulter can also face imprisonment for up to two years. You have to pay your bills. How can you avoid? Hire a legal professional and sign a pre-nup. Tiger Woods and many others wish they had signed a pre-nup or one that was much more ironclad.

If you face financial difficulties seek immediate help

Since the penalties are harsh, you must notify the local law enforcement agency if timely payments are impossible. You ought to inform the appropriate agencies of the nature of your financial difficulties and ask them to set up a temporary payment plan so that you do not fall behind the payment schedule.

You can also ask the court to modify the amount of child support. In order to do so you will have to provide proof of the change in circumstances, say Orange County, CA divorce lawyers. For example, if you have lost your job or have suffered from an injury or ailment that caused a strain on your finances, you can request the judge to reduce the amount of payment. You may also furnish proof to establish that your child’s needs have also changed.

Child support delinquencies must not affect visitation

Visitation rights are different from child support. This means that the custodial parent cannot prevent the paying parent from visiting the child because he or she was not able to fulfill child support obligations. As a matter of fact visitation is also a court-ordered obligation and therefore the parent who prevents access can be penalized by the court.

Legal help is right around the virtual corner. This website is easy to use, too bad everything else in life was not this this easy and straightforward. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 
A child has the right to financial support and parents must not take vindictive steps against one another that might deprive the child of his or her legal right and create further complications. De'Londa Brice knows all about that from the show The Wire. She spent the money intended for her son and her son Namond of course had no clue that money was being sent to him. Not a righteous mother! Though this was not a divorce, you should get the point. Money intended for the child or children is meant for them, not for you to buy more hand bags!

If your ex-spouse fails to make timely child support payments don’t hesitate to seek help from a prolific California divorce lawyer. You ought to speak with someone who has extensive knowledge of family law and is capable of finding the perfect or ideal solution to enforce child support payments. 

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