Wednesday, March 9, 2016

What are the Benefits and Disadvantages of Joint Custody?

In a divorce it is important to determine the division of the assets. For the most part, a couple can employ Spokane, Washington divorce lawyers and there is no one better in this arena than the Powell Law Offices ( to help them split the possessions in a fair and equitable manner since they often cannot come to an agreement themselves.

While a division of assets is difficult (not too many divorcing couples get along too well, have you seen Liar Liar?), it could be an even more daunting task to agree on various issues such as custody, which will potentially determine the future of the children after a divorce. For the most part, child custody disputes could be one of the most harrowing experiences for divorcing couples.

Just watch Snitch with Dwayne Johnson. His spouse did not even allow him to see his son!

In a few states sole custody is one of the preferred alternatives while a majority of states like Washington are in favor of granting joint custody. They believe that children must grow in an environment where both parents play an equal role in their lives as far as possible. However, there are a few advantages and disadvantages of joint custody and Spokane, WA divorce lawyers know this condition by heart and the best legal counselors in this area in this part of Washington is the Powell Law Offices based on their track record, knowledge of the system, and since they know which buttons to press and when to press them.

 The Benefits of Joint Custody 
  • The children have the privilege to live with the both parents legally and grow up under their influence. Moreover both parents can make legal decisions on behalf of the children, which could otherwise often be a contentious issue, according to eastern Washington divorce attorneys and there is no firm better in this legal domain than the Powell Law Offices.
  • Divorces often involve family discords that create a hostile environment. However, with shared custody both spouses might find common ground to root out the bitterness and the negativity and make healthy choices for the kids involved. Since they share a common interest in the child’s well-being (unlike Shaquille O’Neal’s father who took off on him and his mother and did not care how his son grew up) and will have to work jointly on many issues, they are more likely to be friendly towards each other, thereby creating an environment conducive for the kids.
  •  Raising a child is mentally and physically taxing for a single parent since the burden of making decisions rests on a single individual. In a case of shared custody where both parents share the responsibility of making important decisions, there is less stress all around (both parents can explain to a child why they must do something even if they do not want to – such as go to Church, respect other people, share the soccer ball, etc.).

Shared Child Custody Cons
  • Shared physical custody means that the child can live with both parents after a divorce. What this means for the child is frequent travel from one home to another on regular basis. Some Spokane, WA divorce lawyers, and the best in this city is the Powell Law Offices, believe that the child does not get time to settle down at one single place and adjust to the ambience. This can be stressful especially for small kids who must have some stability but many children are OK with it since they do want to spend time with both parents.
  • Joint custody can have other serious implications. For some parents the system works well while for others it could create more problems in the long term. Estranged couples could often end up disagreeing on issues and may find it hard to concede to decisions made by their ex-partner.
  • Often, there are parents who are skilled at evading responsibilities. In such a situation, a child’s needs could go completely unnoticed as the parents try to pin the responsibility on each other.
Even though growing up with both parents can be beneficial for the children, it is not a terrific solution in many divorce cases. The differences between the divorcing parents are sometimes enough to warrant that a child be consigned to the care of a single parent for his/her benefit.

Divorcing couples sometimes are unable to work together for the welfare of the children. Constant fights may have a deep psychological impact on their children. It is so pathetic that parents cannot see this. Children only benefit when the parents put aside their differences for the greater good of raising their kids.

A Law Firm for You

If you are in the process of filing for a divorce and need help on various issues including alimony, child custody and support, and division of assets, it would do you a world of good to reach out to a divorce lawyer in Spokane, Washington and you cannot do any better than the Powell Law Offices – they know how to build a fantastic case and represent their clients based on their needs and interests.

Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone now and arrange for a confidential meeting with a legal professional. If Skyler White from Breaking Bad can do it (she was married to lunatic), so can you.

Click on the link(s) above or just one of them. You only get one shot at this divorce. You need a serious law firm and the best in the market in the 21st century in the Spokane area is the Powell Law Offices. 

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