Friday, January 15, 2016

What are the penalties for failing to pay your taxes?

Are you dreading April 15th? You are not alone as a tax payer. Taxes can be an overwhelming thing to deal with for some people. Perhaps you simply don’t have the money right now to pay your taxes or you possibly don’t have all the information required to file your returns. Well it does not matter what the reason is, but you need to be warned that failing to pay your taxes can have some rather serious, undesired repercussions, caution tax lawyers.

Pay your taxes

It is not uncommon to hear about individuals who have been successfully evading Uncle Sam for years and saving tons of money or doing their tax online and acting like that is the best method. However, rest assured their joy ride will come to an abrupt end sooner or later and at that point, they are going to have to pay so much that will surely regret not having filed taxes like everyone else. For the most part IRS (Internal Revenue System) officials know their job and they know how make the system so complicated it damages job growth too and the health of the country.

The people that really believe they do not have to pay their taxes are the Americans overseas. Some Americans overseas believe they do not have to pay their taxes and that is true for US taxes but they still have to file their taxes no matter where they are at. They think they are so clever working overseas that America will just forget they exist. If they ever want to come back to America, they will pay for sure.

The IRS has tabs on everyone and will eventually get you if you try to outsmart them. In fact, if you have trouble with your taxes and are not able to pay/file them on time for some reason the best course of action would be to openly confess it. Reach out to a tax lawyer and see what can be done about it instead of trying to swim under the tax radar illegally which will catch up to you real quick.

The tax code is jacked up and divides us into classes - both not good but you still have to file. That is your civic duty. If you do not you will need a tax lawyer very soon since you be in some hot soup. The tax code is a head scratcher but this website it not: If you need legal help, you need to click on that site to find yourself a tax lawyer. 
Consequences of evading tax

You may have heard of the infamous tax protestor Irwin Schiff. He was a self-proclaimed expert at evading tax and also taught his followers how to evade tax though his books. Sadly though, these books only give you one side of the story. Yes you may be able to avoid paying tax a few times successfully, but in the long run when you are caught you could end up in jail for tax fraud or for avoiding taxes.

Not only do you have to pay this huge sum and face jail time, but there are also many other consequences for not paying taxes. Hefty fines, criminal convictions, and even house arrest can all be levied upon you mercilessly say tax attorneys. Depending on the severity of the crime, you could end up paying thousands of dollars in fines and interest and even more in back taxes.

What if you cannot pay your tax in full?

The government has made provisions for those that cannot afford to pay all of their taxes at once. If you need help enrolling for one of these then please contact a tax lawyer today.

Some of the things you can do when you can’t pay all your tax dues at once are to agree to installments or request a temporary delay or an offer in compromise with the IRS. The latter is where the IRS will settle your unpaid taxes for a value less than what is due.

To find out more about what these options are and how they can help you, get in touch with a tax lawyer. They will be happy to help you out so you get your life back. You do not want to go to jail like Wesley Snipes did. You will not be treated as nicely as he probably was. 

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