Friday, January 15, 2016

What are an employee’s rights following a workplace injury?

Workplace injuries are common especially to those employed in the manufacturing industry since they could be subjected to environments that have the potential to cause a myriad of injuries. The main reasons for such kinds of injuries, and is not limited to, faulty equipment, inadequate safety equipment and rules, carelessness, or sheer physical stress from a physically demanding position.

For employers, it is essential to take every possible measure to prevent on-the-job injuries while employees have the right to compensation if they are injured on the job. 

No one wants to get hurt. But it does happen. Some things are out of our control. If you are hurt and need a Greenwood, South Carolina worker's compensation lawyer, click anywhere on this sentence. Do not believe your co-worker's hype or everything you have read online, you need legal help and this site can help you to achieve that. You do have control over some things!
Common workplace injuries

The most common injuries are eye related, which can often happen due to the lack of wearing safety glasses. Other injuries include be backaches and strain if your job is physically demanding. On the other hand, slip and fall on a wet, uneven, or oily surface may also cause great damage.

At any time

You can get hurt a variety of ways. In that goofy and unethical movie with Kevin James and Adam Sandler called I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry where they really are criminals trying to defraud the insurance company (they would need criminal defense lawyers and not just worker’s compensation lawyers) putting their careers in jeopardy, both characters are hurt when they are in an accident with an obese person who cannot even walk because he continued to eat beyond the point of no return. The main point here is that you can be injured on the job at any time and many times it happens without any warning.  

For the most part, work injuries can be devastating and affect you emotionally, physically, and financially. However, Greenwood, SC workers compensation lawyers stress the fact that there are laws designed to ensure that workers are compensated for any workplace injuries or death.

Workers compensation laws are designed mainly to protect both employers and the employees. In addition, state workers compensation laws offer employees assured coverage for medical treatment that may be necessary after the injury. In many cases, the laws provide for guaranteed compensation during and after the recovery period.

Steps to take following a workplace injury

Greenwood, South Carolina worker’s compensation lawyers recommend a list of measures to be taken if you undergo a job injury.

To begin with, you ought to report an accident and injuries to your employer immediately or as soon as reasonably possible. Every state has a statute of limitations within which a workplace injury must be reported to the employer. According to Greenwood, SC worker’s compensation attorneys who can be reached on this breakthrough legal website, an injured employee has 90 days to file a report although it is always recommended that they do so immediately.

Next is to seek medical treatment for your injuries. Many states have or permit employers to provide a panel of particular healthcare providers and it may be mandatory to approach one of the authorized providers for treatment in order to be eligible for worker’s comp.

You need to abide by all the restrictions placed by your medical provider. Even though the insurance companies are paid by the employer, they have the responsibility to follow the laws to protect your rights.

It is important to make sure you file the requisite forms to claim compensation. In addition keep all your medical appointments as scheduled. If you don't turn up for your medical checkups then the insurer may have every reason to believe you are not severely injured. Playing basketball or laying a new slab of pavement in your driveway when you are claiming to be too injured to work is not going to over too well with anyone. Being prompt with medical treatment is essential to validate of your claim.

Fundamental compliance

You need to participate in light duty programs as mentioned by your employer. Fail to comply with these programs may result in loss compensation. Your goal ought to be to return to regular duty as soon as you are medically fit.

Most importantly, make sure to seek assistance from a Greenwood, South Carolina lawyer. Your legal counselor is your best bet especially if you are denied worker’s compensation and need to appeal. Do not get your hopes up until you have your worker’s comp validated officially. 

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