Friday, January 15, 2016

What are the consequences for drugged driving (DUID) and DUI (alcohol) in Mississippi?

Mississippi has extensive legislation to deal exclusively with drugged driving and drunken driving. It is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of either alcohol or drugs in Mississippi as it is in the rest of the country. Starkville, MS DUI lawyers such as Roy E. Carpenter confirm that the state’s drugged driving laws come under Mississippi code title 63-11-30.

According to these laws, it is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle while on any substance that has influenced your ability to drive or operate while under the influence of any of the drugs that are classified as controlled substances listed under the Mississippi controlled substances law. Jesse Pinkman may not like these laws but Jesse Pinkman was never the smartest person around.

Clear Difference

Another fact that Starkville, MS DUI lawyers have made clear is that in Mississippi there is no particular threshold or tolerance level when it comes to drugs. Unlike alcohol, you don’t need to have had a certain quantity to be charged with drugged driving, even traces of the drug in your system can pretty much land in you trouble. It is up to the discretion of the judge or jury depending on the evidence in the case to determine whether or not you were intoxicated.

Your breath does not smell like alcohol but your behavior and driving dictate that you are not fully aware nor have the best control of your motor skills. You have no been written up for drugged driving. You made a huge mistake but the world is not about to stop spinning on its axis. You need a Starkville or Columbus, MS DUI lawyer and the best in this area now is Roy E, Carpenter. You can find him right here: He may not be a wizard with power like Gandalf but he knows the law and knows how to defend clients with the best of them. 
Which drugs are prohibited?

As per Mississippi code title 63-11-30, any drug that influences or impairs your ability to drive or any drug that is listed under the controlled substances act of Mississippi is disallowed.

It is important to be aware that defendants/suspects in drugged driving cases facing drugged driving charges cannot argue that they are legally entitled to use a particular drug (by prescription, or other means) because even if they are allowed to use this drug lawfully, they simply aren’t allowed to drive when they are under its influence.

What are the penalties for drugged driving in Mississippi?

In the opinion of Columbus, MS DUI attorneys and one of the best legal pros in this arena and in the state of Mississippi is Roy E. Carpenter, the punishments for drugged driving are very similar to drunken driving. The consequences of drugged driving are not always the same as it varies depending on the specifics of the case. Was someone seriously hurt? Did it cause death? How intoxicated was the driver\suspect? Has this driver had trouble with the law in the past in terms of driving under the influence? These and other factors will all come in to play and have to be accounted for. 

Penalties can include prison time, hefty fines, mandatory alcohol or drug rehabilitation, installation of ignition interlock devices at your own expense, ankle bracelets, and probation, to name a few.

What happens if you refuse to submit to drug screening?

Columbus, Mississippi DUI lawyers, including one of the most respected in the region which is Roy E. Carpenter, know that Mississippi is an implied consent state and that this law holds good for both alcohol and drug tests. While constitutionally you can still refuse to submit to any type of sobriety testing the implied consent law in effect in Mississippi will mean that your driver’s license will be immediately suspended and your refusal can be used as evidence against you in the case in a court of law.

If you or anyone you know has been charged with drugged driving then it is imperative that you contact a legal professional as soon as possible and get started working on your defense. 

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