Monday, January 18, 2016

How to Prepare for Your Workers' Compensation Deposition?

Immediately after you get an official letter asking you to testify at your worker’s compensation deposition you ought to begin preparations. Meridian, MS worker’s compensation lawyers such as Richard Schwartz ( say that that a little bit of homework can alleviate your fear of appearing before a committee and will go a long way to help you succeed in receiving compensation for your workplace injury.

How to Prepare Yourself for a Deposition?

Before you attend a deposition you must go through the copies of medical reports, accident reports, and your notes on when and how the accident happened. This doesn’t mean you have to learn every word in these reports. Simply try to recollect how your injury happened and the medical treatment you have received so far.

·         Make a mental note of the date of the injury or the date when you realized you were suffering from a workplace-related ailment.
·         You must also try to recollect the incidents after the injury such as your visit to a specialist or to the emergency room.
·         It is also judicious to be able to convey to the committee the treatments that you have received so far such as surgeries, medications, physiotherapies, etc.
·         You must also note your duration of absence from work. If you have taken light duty or have been working for reduced hours then you must be ready to recount all those details as well.

One of the most important things is to clarify your present physical condition, and your physical limitations or impairments as a result of the workplace accident. You must also intimate the board if your condition improved or worsened after the treatment. If you are seeking permanent disability compensation then these become pertinent. Remember even though you can represent yourself at this stage, it is always better to have a Central Mississippi worker’s compensation attorneys handle the case and the best in this arena is Richard Schwartz.

How to behave at the deposition?

Make sure to appear presentable and attend the hearing properly dressed and groomed. Formal attire is always recommended.

Be Truthful: Remember if you lie you will not only give a bad impression because you are under oath but will also be caught. If your testimony is inconsistent with the reports that you have submitted you case is likely to be dismissed. That is embarrassing and it could have other repercussions for you.
Stick to Verbal Responses: Do not use gestures to answer a question. A court reporter will be recording your testimony, which will be referred to afterwards. This is why you must verbally explain when you are asked a question. Do not resort to pointing or nodding.
Listen Carefully before Answering: It is always advisable to listen to the question intently before answering.  Wait for the legal representative to complete his/her question then wait for a few moments before answering. If you provide an answer to a question that you were not asked, you will confuse the reporter.
Do not Guess Answers: If you cannot answer a question, don’t resort to guesswork. It would be wise to admit that you don’t remember the answer. This will not impact your case if the question is not related to a crucial detail such which part of your body was injured and your Meridian, MS worker’s compensation lawyer will go over this with you before this deposition ever begins. 
Give Specific Answer: Never give long accounts when a short specific answer is what is needed. For instance, even if you want to give full story of how it all happened do not do so when a short yes or no is all that is needed. This can increase the chances of you saying something that has not been reported, contradict known information, or allow the opposing legal counsel to come back and ask you what you said before to see if what you are saying is consistent. 
Appear Professional: Central Mississippi worker’s compensation lawyers recommend that you should behave like a credible witness. Be courteous, polite, and respectful towards the insurer’s lawyers and the judges. This will create a positive impression. If you feel you may lose control because something tragic happened then just take a break for few moments.

The best legal professional in this arena in this part of Mississippi is Richard Schwartz. He knows how to win cases and he knows a viable case when he and his team see one. He knows the legal system in this part of the country and his long list of satisfied clients is impressive. 

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