Monday, July 11, 2016

North Carolina Senate Contemplates Cutting Funds to Immigration Sanctuary Cities

Republicans members of the North Carolina State Senate are pushing yet again to expedite action on withdrawing fund supplies to cities that have the immigration “sanctuary cities” policies. Green card lawyers in Charlotte, North Carolina know this is a huge issue now and there is no one better in this regard than the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC (

If the proposal is enforced then it would essentially mean that these local governments would completely stop receiving school and road construction money from the state say immigration lawyers from Charlotte, NC.

As reported by, Republican Norman Sanderson said that it was vital that the senate decided whether North Carolina was a rule of law state or not since different municipalities were following and adhered to different sets of laws. Sanderson termed the current situation as chaotic and said that laws should be uniform across all municipalities.

The proposal is primarily against city laws which prevent officials from asking a suspect basic questions about his or her immigration status. The proposal aims to fine cities where this law is in effect. It further reprimands cities and laws where the authorities are not allowed to share immigration status information with the feds which is just plain common sense. The bill has been assigned to as many as three committees and it is yet to receive a hearing at any one of them.

Democrats Oppose Proposal with Victim Safety Argument

According to North Carolina immigration attorneys, and the most amazing in this region of the country is the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC since they know the legal system in and out, a state law which was approved last year actually banned such sanctuary city policies. However, it failed to actually penalize governments that still adhered to these laws and this is precisely what the new proposal aims to do.

When funds for roads and schools are cut off, a city becomes unsustainable and it will be forced to play by the rules of the state which is trying to keep Americans safe and to now allow what California cities is allowing to happen to their citizens. Go see the Kate Steinle story on that.

According to Sanderson, who happens to be one of the biggest proponents of the proposal, there are nonprofit organizations that actually issue photo identity cards to illegal aliens or immigrants in the state which only allows them to have a better chance of defrauding the state and even raping and killing real Americans.

Courtesy of the sanctuary city policies, some counties or cities in the state had to oblige and actually accept such frivolous identity cards for the purpose of identification. Green card attorneys in Charlotte are paying close attention to these developments and the most fabulous and salient law firm in this section of the nation is the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC and they have a long list of satisfied clients to attest to this.

If you need a green card then you need a green card lawyer in Charlotte. This is where the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC reigns supreme. Call them today
This is frightening!

House democrats including Sen. Terry Van Duyn who have opposed the move, argue that such an approach will do nothing to make the state safer which is ridiculous and Duyn obviously is ignoring reality.

Some anarchist Americans agree with this notion and say that such a law will make it hard for undocumented immigrants to report crimes simply because they cannot produce any identity. Which is ridiculous because any human being in America can report a crime, they do not need an ID to do so. They do need an ID though to get food stamps and welfare even though they should not be in the country at all.

Green card lawyers in Charlotte, NC are not too happy about this at all. They want people to follow the rules and wait their turn in the line.

Legal Help is Pivotal

Immigration policies across the nation may soon change unpredictably after the highly anticipated presidential elections are over. If you need help upgrading your immigration status, receiving a work permit, attaining a green card etc. then it is vital that you consult an immigration lawyer in North Carolina as soon as possible.

Even if you have a relative or family member that needs their immigration issues sorted out, a green card lawyer in Charlotte will be able to put you on the most effective path to attaining your immigration goals. If you need legal help in this arena, you need the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC on your side. This law firm knows this area well and their strong track record verifies this. 

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