Thursday, June 2, 2016

What are the consequences of insurance fraud?

Insurance fraud is a very serious crime punishable by law throughout America. Offenders can face serious legal repercussions which golden criminal defense lawyers in Toledo, OH are cognizant of. Therefore, if you are someone you know has been wrongfully charged with insurance fraud then you need to seek legal counsel right away or you could find yourself punished unfairly for something you simply did not do.

What is insurance fraud?

To begin with, we need to comprehend what exactly insurance fraud is. As per law, insurance fraud is when a person unlawfully tricks or deceives an insurance company into paying money by staging an occurrence such as theft, accident, bodily injury claims, and medical expenses, to name a few, according to Ohio criminal defense attorneys.

Fraud happens all the time. In the movie American Hustle, we saw a few different types of fraud. One of them explained was art fraud. This was managed by Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and he sold art as if it was original and worth what he was selling it for. He was a con artist. He was a professional white collar criminal. Now when it comes to insurance fraud, there are professionals or people who just do it once. Either way, it is a crime nonetheless.

Not all people who are sent to prison are tough guys. Criminal defense lawyers in Toledo, OH know all about that. 
It might seem like a rare incident, but the fact is that insurance fraud is a problem that continues to persist in various forms. Insurance fraud is a crime punishable by law and many states have set up special fraud investigation cells to identify and run probes into suspicious claims in order to bring the perpetrators to justice and save potentially millions of dollars.

Depending on the magnitude and extent of the crime, some kinds of insurance fraud such as health care fraud may be classified as a crime under federal jurisdiction. Just like it appears Hillary committed a crime with classified information, insurance fraud is serious business.

If you been a victim of insurance fraud (and we all have to an extent) you need legal help. This does not just affect one person, this affects everyone but you may be the one who can target this individual/s. Press right here and make this happen. It is your civic duty to do so. 

The Insurance Company can also be Held for Insurance Fraud

While it may seem like this is something perpetrated by mainly individual elements, there has been several cases where an insurance company has been charged with and found guilty of insurance fraud. So how can the insurance company commit insurance fraud? It is very simple, in cases where the insurance company denies paying a customer a fair insurance claim then the company may be taken to court and charged with insurance fraud, point out Toledo, OH criminal defense lawyers.

Have you been involved in an auto accident? Or are you the victim of a robbery? Do you need the help of your healthcare provider to cover your medical costs? If you or someone you know are having a hard time pinning down your insurer/healthcare provider and getting them to actually put their money where their mouth is then you need to seek legal advice as soon as possible.

Contact us if you have any questions. 
Your legal professional will be able to approach the insurer in the right manner. He or she will first attempt to negotiate with the insurance company and come to a mutual agreement. If the company proves to be stubborn then the legal counselor will be able to file a lawsuit in the appropriate manner and get the litigation process under way in a timely fashion.

Furthermore, your legal pro will also prove to be imperative in court during trial when it comes to proving your case. This includes gathering evidence and testimonies in your favor and tactfully presenting them according to the circumstances.

Sometimes, unknowingly you may commit insurance fraud. This could happen even if you do not provide details accurately. If you find yourself in such a situation, make sure to reach out to a criminal defense lawyer in Ohio as soon as possible to protect your rights. 

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